Wednesday, August 13, 2014

5 Easy Home Workout Routines Without Any Weights

home workout routines without any weights

Why spend money on an expensive gym membership when you have everything you need to get in shape at home? Today, many people have ditched the heavy weights in favor of strength training without weights. Here are a few Home Workout Routines Without Any Weights that will help you build muscle, burn fat, and lose weight.

1. Planking. Planks work the entire front of the body, tones your muscles and works your core like no other exercise. To get into plank position, you just lay down on the floor and then come up onto your forearms and toes. Create a straight line from your neck down to your feet keeping your back straight and making sure your butt does not go too high or too low. Hold your stomach in and engage your core muscles. Keep this plank position for 30 seconds and then relax for 30 seconds. Do this for 3 rounds. Your goal as you build dtrenght is to be able to hold this plank for two minutes without resting.

2. Burpees. This is exercise is sure to raise your heart rate and burn a ton of calories. It tones every muscle in your body. To begin, stand upright and then drop down to the ground into a push-up position. Do one push up and then bring your legs back to your body and then jump up with your arms reaching high into the sky, then come back down from the jump into a standing position.  Start doing 3 sets of 5 burpees and when you are stronger do 3 sets of 10 burpees. Rest for a minute in between each set.

3. Lunges. Lunges hit the all leg muscles in the body and the core. They also improve your balance. From a standing position, step forward with either leg and lower your hips until both knees are bent at a 90-degree angle, and return to your starting position. You can do 10 reps on the right leg and then the left or alternate legs each time. Begin doing 3 sets of 10 reps on each leg. You can also do walking lunges for a little more of a challenge.

4. Squats. Squats are one of the best exercises you can do for your body. It builds strong legs, a strong core, and makes your butt look really good! The first kind of squat is the regular squat. You stand with your legs shoulder-width apart and then sit down into an imaginary chair. The second squat is called the pliƩ. Start with your legs shoulder width apart, but you point your feet outward and do the same move, but you are working entirely different muscles. Do 3 sets of 10 squats, both kinds. You will eventually work your way up to do doing 100-150 squats 2-3 times a week.

5. Jumping. Jumping aroung isn't just for kids, it is also a great exercise to get the heart rate up and build strength in our ankles and calves. Start out hopping on one foot for 30 seconds and then switch legs and jump on the other foot. Catch your breath and do that two more times. As you gain strength and endurance, increase the length of jumping to 1 monite per leg.

These exercises can be done together in one session or broken up during the week. It is easy to exercise at home without any weights. Most of these can be done inside of your house of your back yard. You don't need a gym to get a great workout.

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