Monday, April 27, 2015

5 Tricks to Kick the Junk Food Habit

5 Tricks to Kick the Junk Food Habit

Growing up, eating healthy was not something that I ever did. Junk food was always available. My mom would stock up on chips, pies and cakes whenever we went food shopping... but my favorite junk food of all was cookies. They were my addiction! I couldn't walk past the food pantry without reaching in the cookie jar and grabbing one.

Today, I am in great shape and at the weight I want to be at. I would love to tell you that those junk food urges are behind me, but that wouldn't be the truth. I get tempted just like everyone else. Here are 6 tricks that have helped me greatly over the years!

1. Get rid of all junk food in the house - I have found that if the food is in the house, I'm going to eat it. Most time it's on an unconscious level. I just reach to grab a chip, which before I know it leads to me eating a whole bag. Will power will only get you so far. Instead of fighting the temptations, don't bring them into the house.

2. Eat 80% clean - Relax the other 20%. If most of your diet is clean, it gives you some slack to relax. You can still go out with friends on the weekend and have a drink or two. It's not about being perfect.

3. Make a ritual out of eating healthy - Unhealthy eating is usually ritualistic. You can replace your unhealthy habits with healthy ones. For example, I use eat fast food daily. I replaced eating out with learning how to cook, and I save so much money and the  food tastes so much better.

4. Carry healthy food with you at all times - I bring my lunch with me daily to work. If you don't have food with you, you will find that you are surrounded by so many unhealthy options. This makes it so easy to fall into unhealthy ways. If you have your food, there are no excuses. Here are a few to consider:
  • Fresh Fruit
  • Dried Fruits
  • Raw Nuts
  • Whole Grain Crackers
  • A Shakeology Packet
5. Discover new yummy fruits and veggies - sometimes we get bored with the same boring apples and oranges. if you do an internet search, there are so many recipes and varieties of fruits. Step out your comfort zone and try something new. You might find some new foods you absolutely love!

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